
We build your dream

    Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

    Our high standards of fairness, equity, and anti-racial values directs we at Collins Kwkye Company to interactions with our team members, clients, suppliers, rival businesses, and the community. 

    Our greatest asset is our personnel, and we consider diversity to be essential for long-term success. Collins Kwakye Company Ltd. is dedicated to having an equitable and inclusive workplace that reflects the society in which it conducts business.
    We will keep advancing our culture at Collins Kwakye Company Ltd., where everyone has equal access to opportunities and advancement is based on merit.
    Our workforce’s diverse experiences, viewpoints, and backgrounds contribute to our competitive advantage. Utilizing this diversity offers creative answers for a setting that is getting harder.

    Yes, We Stand for Inclusivity Fairness Diversity Equity Equality Anti-Racism Resilience Collaboration Hope Agility Compassion & Justice

    Words from Our CEO

    With 10+ years of continuous achievement in the steel construction industry, CKC has gained roots, trust and recommendations from its clients, partners and employees. Telling the CKC story is preaching; HOPE, PASSION, INTEGRITY, CONSISTENCY, TENACITY

    As a team, it is our values that drive us. Together we live these values every day, because we know thats why our clients love working with us. Our promise is simple: You can trust us to ensure your building project is as enjoyable and painless as possible and together, we will be 100% proud of the result.

    The Code reaffirms the principles that have made Collins Kwakye Company Ltd. a fantastic place to work for more than ten years and offers our colleagues around the world a practical guidance to acting morally. Through the ethics certification procedure, employees at Collins Kwakye Company Ltd. attest their adherence to the company's code of business conduct and underlying policies each year and report any deviations. All exceptions are reviewed by the Internal Audit, Ethics and Compliance, and Legal divisions to make sure they were appropriately handled and recorded.